
Maternity allowance. Care allowance

Maternity allowance

Who is entitled to maternity allowance

When do you receive maternity allowance

Over what period of time do you have the right to maternity allowance

Maternity allowance for the period of leave under the conditions of maternity leave

Maternity allowance for the period of parental leave

When you shorten parental leave even though you have declared the full period

When the mother shortens the period of parental leave but has declared the full period

When an insured person taking a child for upbringing shortens the period of parental leave but has declared the full period

When you want to take parental leave while at the same time working for your employer

Maternity allowance for the period of paternity leave

Can a mother stop receiving maternity allowance for the period of maternity leave

What happens to maternity allowance if a mother dies or abandons her child

What happens to maternity allowance

What happens to maternity allowance

How much is the maternity allowance calculation basis

How much is the rate of maternity allowance

When are you entitled to an increase in maternity allowance to the amount of parental benefit

What documents need to be submitted in order to receive maternity allowance

In order to receive maternity allowance for giving birth to a child

In order to receive maternity allowance for giving birth to a child if the child was born abroad

In order to receive maternity allowance for taking a child for upbringing, if you applied for adoption

In order to receive maternity allowance for taking a child for upbringing as a foster family

When the benefits are paid out by ZUS

Benefit at the rate of maternity allowance

When are you entitled to benefit at the rate of maternity allowance

What documents need to be submitted in order to receive benefit payments at the rate of maternity allowance

Care allowance

Who is entitled to care allowance

When do you receive care allowance

When will you receive additional care allowance

For what period do you have the right to care allowance

How much is the rate of care allowance

What documents are needed to be granted and be paid care allowance

If you take care of a sick child or another sick family member

If you take care of a healthy child under the age of 8

If you take care of a sick, disabled child who is over the age of 14 but has not yet turned 18

If you care for a disabled child older than 8 but who has yet to turn 18

If care allowance is paid by ZUS

What entities pay maternity allowance and care allowance

Legal basis

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